Bruni-Sarkozy lamented that the most pants thing about being pregnant was the
not-smoking, not-boozing caveat. "Frankly, I cannot stand it," she
whined to French magazine Le Parisien .
"I have to stay sitting or lying most of the time, [and] cannot smoke or
drink wine. I cannot wait for it to end." End it did on October 20, when
she gave birth to baby Giulia, and promptly lit 20 fags, ordered a crate of
Bordeaux, and celebrated in her hospital room with a fumed-filled, Bacchanalian
orgy. Maybe.
there was no mention of wanting to get back into her pre-pregnancy Dior-heavy
wardrobe. Lies, we thought, the high maintenance Bruni-Sarkozy has been
planning her post-baby outfit - something that boasts "Can you believe I had 6lbs of baby in this
skinny body everybody?", Victoria Beckham-style - for The Comeback Photo
since the first trimester. But no.
the protocol of said Comeback Photo, she was pictured wearing, shock of shocks,
stretch-pants, a grey zip-up cardigan and flat shoes, rather than the six-inch
heels and body-con dress that tradition dictates, on a jaunt with Nicolas
Sarkozy and Giulia in Versailles's La Lanterne Park yesterday. This landmark
moment, where a celebrity has finally worked out that joggers are acceptable,
nay comfortable, post-pregnancy sartorial fodder, like normal mums, deserves
applause. So, clap-clap to Bruni-Sarkozy for saying "sod it" to the
try-hard approach of Beckham et al , and
focussing on being a new mum, rather than whether she passes muster in the
style stakes. No, really.
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